military relics, museum, military historical collections, collectiblesAbstract
The purpose of the study is to analyze the causes of the first museums’ emergence and development in Ukraine at the turn of the XIXth – at beginning of the XXth centuries based on the military historical collections. The methodology of the research is based on the principles set and the cognition methods usage, the application of which was carried out with the reliance on the interdisciplinary approaches in order to discover the purpose of the research. The historical genetic, historical comparative, historical typological and historical systemic methods of the historical cognition were applied, as the scientific and source base of the article were developed on their basis. The scientific novelty is that for the first time a number of the political, socio-economic and cultural factors of the first museums’ emergence on the territory of Ukraine on the basis of the military historical collections were investigated, due to a wide range of published and unpublished archival documents. It is established that most of these military historical collections do not quite correspond to the content of the scientific term “collecting”, but they have become the basis of purposeful and systematic collection of objects of the museum importance, which preceded the military historical museums’ emergence. It is proved that these military historical collections were diverse, they presented the military paraphernalia, awards, portrait collections, family archives, book collections, things of daily use and, etc. The Conclusions. The amateur gathering at the turn of the ХVІІІth – ХІХth centuries in the field of traditional culture, it evolved into a scientific-based collection gradually. In the XIXth and at the beginning of the XXth centuries a rather large museums’ network emerged and functioned, owing mainly to the private initiative of individuals and numerous scientific, cultural, educational and church societies, committees, commissions, educational institutions, local self-government bodies.References
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